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The Five Wisdoms: A One-day Experience
Saturday, August 15, 2020 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM
Offered by Dan Wolpert
August 15, 2020 from 9 AM - 3 PM
Virtual online retreat experience
Donations accepted
This unique one-day retreat will combine online teaching and discussion and individual contemplative practice done at your home. During the course of the day, you will learn about the Five Wisdom practices, spend time in prayer by yourself, and will then return to the online group for reflection, questions, and conversation. This format will allow us to be on retreat together, even as we are not physically in the same location.
As a pastor, counselor, spiritual director, and long-time contemplative practitioner, Daniel Wolpert recognizes the hunger that we have for practical wisdom regarding our personal and spiritual growth. Dan is devoted to sharing insight about how to live better in this world.
Thanks for joining us! It is good to stay connected in these trying times. We offer this event at no-cost, and we welcome any financial offering you may be able to make. Note: you can proceed forward to the registration page even if you have not made a free-will donation. Thanks!
Ticket Information
The Five Wisdoms - a zoom link will be emailed before the event
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Product Information
Freewill offering
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Freewill offering
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Freewill offering
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Freewill offering
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Sat, 15 Aug 2020 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM
Central Standard Time
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